Center, Bold, & Underline Existing Text

Changing the style of existing text is easy too. You simply highlight the text you want to change, and select the desired style change. Let's try it.

Center Existing Text

Highlight the sentence "This line is bold."

    To do this, move your mouse cursor in front of the letter "t" in "This" and click. Next, drag or hold down the left mouse button and move to the end of the sentence. The sentence will change color or be highlighted.

    Highlighting and dragging may take a little practice.

Click the Center Button on the format toolbar

Bold Existing Text

Highlight "change" in the third sentence
Click the Bold Button

Underline Existing Text

Highlight "Correcting" in the second sentence
Click the Underline Button

Combine Features

Highlight "problem" in the third sentence
Click the Bold Button
Click the Underline Button
Press the Home key

Now you try it.